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文官制度的國際變遷趨勢與我國的改革   全文下載 全文下載
Invited Essay──International Trend of Civil Service Reform and Implication for Taiwan
作者 彭錦鵬
The New Public Management movement that emphasizes private management principles in the 1980s fosters the position-based civil service systems in many OECD countries. Along with the position-based civil service system, human resources management of OECD countries mostly concentrates on the following reforms: decentralized human resource management, flexible methods of selection, changing civil servant status, rigorous performance management, planning future workforce and competency, and establishing senior civil service.
After reviewing international trends and the current situation of civil service in Taiwan, this paper proposes reform recommendations. First, review the workforce structure and the quota limit of public employees set by Central Government Agency Personnel Quota Law. Second, carry out examination reform including staged examination, oral tests for all, streamlining professional subjects of the examination and examination categories and levels. Third, legalize the proposed amendment of articles on Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act. Fourth, build a senior civil service team for the Executive Yuan.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 文官制度高級文官團考選甄募薪資績效人力資源規劃能力退休civil servicesenior civil servicerecruitmentselectionpayperformance reviewworkforce planningcompetencyretirement
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201604 (9:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 行政服務變革管理之因應策略探討




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