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客家文化重點發展區與原住民行政區競合下之族群關係:以苗栗縣泰安鄉為例   全文下載 全文下載
The Ethnic Relationship between‘Major Hakka Cultural Areas’and‘Indigenous Administrative Areas’: A Case Study on the Taian Township in the Maioli County
作者 王保鍵
Taiwan’s government introduced the“Basic Hakka Law”in 2010 and established 69‘Major Hakka Cultural Areas’in 2011. Some of the Major Hakka Cultural Areas are overlapped with the indigenous peoples’districts, which were designated from 1945 on, and the overlapped districts might be called the‘Hakka-indigenous combined districts’. The essay employs the ethnic theory as the analysis theory. In-depth interviews and focus groups method are used to analyze the relationships between the two areas which can be described as competitive and cooperative, while explaining key policy problems of the combined districts.
起訖頁 71-94
關鍵詞 臺灣客家族群客家文化重點發展區原住民行政區族群關係客家基本法Taiwan Hakka EthnicMajor Hakka Cultural AreasIndigenous Peoples’DistrictEthnic RelationsBasic Hakka Law
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201501 (7:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 初薦任公務人員公共服務動機及其前因之探究
該期刊-下一篇 書評--面對巨量資料時代的海量思維:《大數據》




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