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從利害關係人途徑析探公部門績效管理:我國地方政府之經驗   全文下載 全文下載
A Stakeholder Approach to Public Performance Management: Lessons of Taiwan Local Governments
作者 朱金池 (Chin-Chih Chu)王俊元 (Chun-Yuan Wang)郭銘峰 (Ming-Feng Kuo)
Performance management has become a widely adopted governance tool in the public sector since 1970s. Studies have brought about a broad understanding about performance management in the public sector in the past three decades; however, little literature has been published on how external factors, such as stakeholders and their influences on performance management. The main question of this study is: how stakeholders in local governments affect public performance management activities? The meaning of performance management was first reviewed, and its development in the public sector was then discussed. According to the literature, the authors identified three major activities of performance management -- goal setting, performance measurement, and performance feedback. A mail questionnaire survey was conducted on middle managers of gencies/departments in Taiwan’s local governments to collect quantitative data. According to the research findings and discussions, some policy recommendations to the practitioners were proposed in the final part of this study.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 利害關係人績效管理目標設定績效衡量績效回饋地方政府stakeholderperformance managementgoal settingperformance measurementperformance feedbacklocal government
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201410 (6:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 論殯葬服務的紅包文化與改革策略:理性選擇制度論的觀點




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