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組織權力;組織透明度與組織正義和政府績效之影響性研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study of the Relationships among Organizational Power, Organizational Transparency, Organizational Justice and Performance of Government:A Case Study of the TGBS II, 2012
作者 呂佳螢
Government information disclosure and transparency in decision-making are important indicators to measure the democratization performance of the country, but the transparency of decision-making within the organization for the government performance remains a mystery.
This article uses the 2012 TGSB (II) survey data. It tries to understand the organization of the public sector by looking into whether there is a causal relationship between organizational justice, organizational transparency and organizational power for government performance. This study is based on evidence-based public administration research, using multiple regression and survey research methods, with 1,475 valid samples of the central civil service of Taiwan.
In the research, the organizational transparency and organizational justice as the main factors which affecting organizational performance. Although the organizational power affect performance too, but in a high degree of organization transparency is not applicable. Recommended in the organization management must focus the information transparency and distributive justice exercise, which can motivate the behavior of the civil service, and Promote better performance results.
起訖頁 93-120
關鍵詞 政府管理績效組織正義組織透明度組織權力government managementperformanceorganizational justice organizational transparencyorganizational power
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201304 (5:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 因利誘導與協力關係--以社區大學公辦民營為例




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