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我國高階文官培訓運用評鑑中心法之效度分析與展望   全文下載 全文下載
The Reliability, Validity and Future Prospects of the Assessment Center Method Adopted for the Training of Senior Civil Service
作者 蔡璧煌吳瑞蘭施佩萱
The“Take-off Program for Senior Civil Service”implemented by the Civil Service Protection and Training Commission (CSPTC) has employed the Assessment Center Methodology to select trainees and perform assessment of the learning level and effectiveness after the training. Among the major issues that arise when using the Assessment Center Method is how to effectively assess competencies of individuals. This paper discusses the position, the goal and the process about the Assessment Center Methodology employed by CSPTC. Through a review of the development of the Assessment Center Methodology applied recently by foreign firms, CSPTC has conducted studies to verify the reliability and validity of the Assessment Center Methodology. According to our findings, the Assessment Center Method indeed possesses a high level of content validity, inter-rater reliability and criterion-related validity, but is short of construct validity. Finally, on the basis of the findings and the development of Assessment Center Methodology, this paper suggests some ways of improving the Center’s efficiency, including standardizing the assessment and making assessments on a fully scientific basis.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 職能評鑑評鑑中心法高階文官發展性訓練competency assessmentassessment centerdevelopment training for senior civil service
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201304 (5:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 從俸給結構與退休所得論公務人員退休年金給付制度改革--兼論信賴保護原則




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