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地方政府施政績效管理:政務人員與事務人員認知之比較   全文下載 全文下載
Performance Management in Local Governments: A Survey of Political Appointees and Civil Servants in Taiwan
作者 黃榮源張筵儀王俊元 (Chun-Yuan Wang)郭銘峰 (Ming-Feng Kuo)
Performance evaluation and management have been adopted by Taiwanese central level authorities since decades ago. Most of local governments did not take action until 2004 when a relevant system was introduced. However, this system was terminated in 2010 due to poor results. From the viewpoint of policy responsiveness and performance audit requirement, local governments still pay close attention to a look for a proper mode of performance management.
In response to the impacts of globalization and new public policy issues, many countries have adopted different kinds of performance measurement mechanism to become more efficient and provide better public services - part of efforts to promote their decision-making and execution abilities. Literature has also shown that local governance has now become one of core issues of public governance in Taiwan. Nevertheless, how do people inside government institutions view the process changing of management mechanism changed? What are the differences between political appointees and civil servants in their attitudes toward and expectations to current local government performance management in Taiwan? Unfortunately, the empirical data and information are insufficient.
This study begins by reviewing literature of governmental performance management and organizational behavior for exploring analytic framework of research. Four categories of political/administrative views of performance management are identified in this research. They are creativeness, compliance, incrementalism, and resistance. Then, some 488 first-level departments in 22 municipals and county (city) governments in Taiwan were been surveyed through the questionnaires. A total of 976 questionnaires comprise for two respondents in every select department including the director or deputy-director and, the staff member responsible for performance management of the department were sent out and 644 valid responses were returned, yielding a return rate of 65.98%. The results show some differences in the beliefs, recognition and attitudes toward government performance management between political appointees and civil servants. Hence, it may identify these divergences can be identified to adopt various strategies for performance management of local governments.
起訖頁 61-85
關鍵詞 地方政府績效管理政務人員事務人員local governmentperformance managementpolitical appointeecivil servant
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201210 (4:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 從消極規避到積極應用:政府資訊公開法下建構「臺灣文官調查資料庫」的芻議
該期刊-下一篇 國際文教行政人員職能分析之探討--ETA職能模式之應用




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