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臺灣公務人員職場精神力之發展與培訓現況:以訓練課程為探討核心   全文下載 全文下載
Development of Civil Service Workplace Spirituality in Taiwan: Current Training Courses
作者 李俊達
Many scholars specialized in public administration and management have pointed out that the spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality (WS) are inevitable orientations for public sector reform. Moreover, the spirituality of public service must be considered and evaluated during the recruitment process and spiritual development has to be integrated into training and education. This article first defines the scope and concept of WS and then analyzes whether the idea of WS exists in the current training courses provided by the National Academy of Civil Service and the Civil Service Development Institute in Taiwan. The results show that the overwhelming majority of civil service training courses emphasize the importance of core competence, but ignore the enhancement of WS. In addition to courses on public service ethics, which focus on teaching trainees the“whats”programs with greater emphasis on WS ought to be provided to foster self-awakening among public servants on the“whys.”
起訖頁 79-114
關鍵詞 精神力靈性職場人力資源訓練spiritualityworkplacehuman resourcetraining
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201207 (4:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 國際文官行為標準之研究




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