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「五都」新制下區公所法制定位與治理職能之研析   全文下載 全文下載
The Legal System and Governance Competency of the District Authorities in Taiwan’s Five Special Municipalities
作者 葉明勳劉坤億
The article attempts to expound and study the legal system and governance competency of the district authorities in Taiwan’s five special municipalities by literature review, focus group interview and in-depth interview. First, we take a look at the institutional evolution of the district-level authorities and clarify the relationship among the city government, bureaus and district offices in the process of delegation of duties. Second, the authors explain the change of the governance competency of district offices after the reorganization of counties and cities into special municipalities, and analyze which new governance issues the district offices may face by the use of qualitative data, including“consistency and differences,”“the division of authority,”“the allocation of human resources,”“the grade of district mayor”and“the combining district.”Besides, we make some policy proposals in order to solve aforementioned problems. Finally, we consider that the gap between legal system and reality is still wide regarding the positioning of district-level authorities. In the future, the scope of mission and power on the district-level authorities must be gradually adjusted on the premise of effectively strengthening service delivery capacity of the district office in order to enhance administrative efficiency and effectiveness.
起訖頁 93-126
關鍵詞 區公所法制定位治理職能district authoritiesthe positioning of legal systemgovernance competency
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201204 (4:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公部門訓練應用「問題導向學習法」之成效評估:以二○一○年地方行政研習中心地方機關科(課)長班為例




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