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建國百年文官制度的回顧與前瞻--考績制度意涵的演變與發展   全文下載 全文下載
Centurial Review and Prospect of Civil Service of Republic of China: Change and Development of Performance Evaluation Institution
作者 許峻嘉呂育誠
This paper studies four institutional characteristics of the performance evaluation (PE) institution of ROC, including“content,”“ratio,”“delegation of evaluation standard”and“relationship with civil service,”and tries to compare different characteristics between development stages.
The ROC’s PE institution is not only part of the civil service; it is also the result of historical development of the civil service. So, its problems and challenges are closely related to the development process of civil service. That means if we want to look into PE’s future development, we have to analyze and learn from PE’s historical experiences.
For this reason, this paper looks at three issues from the Historical Institutionalism perspective: first, analyze institutional characteristics of PE amendments; second, compare different PE development stages and key issues; and finally identify problems and offer possible solutions to them. The authors argue that the key to successful changes of PE depends not only on institutional alternatives for solving problems but also on building consensus and environment that would be instrumental to building institution. Only when institutional development and context change match each other, can PE institution follow the steps closely of civil service development and help civil service organizations and employees achieve their best performances.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 公務人員考績文官制度歷史制度論考績制度考績法civil service performance evaluationcivil service institutionhistorical institutionalismperformance evaluation (PE) institutionperformance evaluation law
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201204 (4:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 論公務人員特種考試限制應考資格對人民基本權之影響




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