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跨域治理概念落實的挑戰與展望   全文下載 全文下載
The Implementation of Cross-Regional Governance: Challenges and Prospect
作者 呂育誠
Inter-governmental relationship is a critical issue in the study of cross-regional governance when cooperation has become a mainstream value and stakeholders are exerting greater influences over government operations than before. As cross-regional governance covers a wide range of issues, its implementation could be costly and may entail uncertainty. This paper includes three sections: First, the author takes a look at the definitions and influences of cross-regional governance from the perspective of the development and transformation of its concept. Second, the author studies the cost of and obstacles to implementing cross-regional governance from the aspects of both theory and practice. Finally, the author tries to provide an integrative implementation model of cross-regional governance. The author argues that cross-regional governance is not a common or definite solution to inter-governmental problems; on the contrary, it’s important to evaluate the pros and cons of the idea. Only when we can assess the multiple subjective and objective combinations of implementation choices based on the needs and objectives of joint local governments will cross-regional governance be a good solution to balancing the rights and duties of local stakeholders.
起訖頁 85-106
關鍵詞 跨域治理府際關係府際合作整合治理cross-regional governanceinter-governmental relationshipintegrationgovernance
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201201 (4:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 政府人力資源的招募管理--以公務人員高普考試為例




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