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長期照顧體系組織改造策略分析:全觀型治理觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Holistic Governance Strategies for Long-Term Care System in Taiwan Government’s Organizational Reform
作者 江大樹 (Ta-Shu Chiang)梁鎧麟 (Kai-Lin Liang)
Reinventing the government' is an important governance issue in Taiwan. The Executive Yuan will be restructured in 2012 with three main goals: downsizing the government, enhancing organizational adaptability, and boosting governance effectiveness. Taiwan is a fast aging society. Its government has proposed many social welfare policies for the elderly. A well-known one is the‘long-term care system’that has been implemented by the Executive Yuan. However, departmentalism has been a major problem for the long-term care system in the past two decades.“Fragmented government”and“wicked problems”have become main issues in this system. The proposed Department of Health and Social Welfare is a crucial government ministry that is expected to solve existing problems and offer better services to the elderly.
Holistic governance is a new theory in contemporary public administration that offers a critical perspective in this study.“Coordination”and“integration”are core concepts of this theory. By holistic governance, we emphasize strategies of coordination, including toleration of a specific set of institutions, separation and contingency. Finally, we propose five strategies of integration, such as integrating information systems, developing cross-boundary projects, holding regular conferences among central and local governments, changing organizational culture and managing conflicts, and offering opportunities for learning.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 長期照顧體系組織改造衛生福利部全觀型治理long-term care systemorganization reformdepartment of health and social welfareholistic governance
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201101 (3:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 協力治理觀點下公共管理者的挑戰與能力建立




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