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貪腐防制處方:政策工具觀   全文下載 全文下載
The Prescription for Corruption Control: Policy Instrument Perspective
作者 邱靖鈜
Fighting corruption has become a global political movement in recent years. Integrity is the most important measurement index of national development. Therefore, political leaders should consider it seriously to construct a government of integrity and competence. In order to reach the goal of clean governance, it has to have complete prescription of corruption control. This article, from the viewpoint of policy instrument, raises six types of policy instruments: authorities, incentives, capacities, system change, symbolism, and exhortation and learning. We could deliberate corruption control instrument through these six types and policymakers may design a“complete set of policies”so they can operate in a holistic framework while examining the strength and weakness of corruption control instruments. Proper policy instruments arrangement will accomplish the mission of corruption control.
起訖頁 179-207
關鍵詞 貪腐反貪腐政策工具民主治理corruptionanti-corruptionpolicy instrumentdemocratic governance
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200912 (1:特刊期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公民導向的政策績效與公民信任:意見領袖對台北縣政府十大施政主軸成果之看法




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