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中央與地方政府對地方人事制度的視框衝突   全文下載 全文下載
Frame Conflict on Local Personnel Systems between Central and Local Government
作者 李衍儒 (Yen-Ju Lee)
Promulgated on January 25, 1999, Taiwan’s Local Government Act has been enforced for more than a decade, ushering local self-government into a new era. After authoritarian transformation of our country, the central government still holds an authoritative attitude, coming from“one-whip”control system toward the local personnel system. The local government, staffed by the elected officials, however argued for its independence of personnel system based on the need to fulfill its policy promises, flexibility of local personnel system, comprehensive power of appointment and employing, and the low ranking of personnel system in local government. The local government therefore calls for the legislation of the Local Civil Service Act on one hand, while on the other hoping that the public employees of central and local governments can be rotated or transferred to a moderate degree. This paradox leads to a serious frame conflict between the central and local government personnel systems. This article attempts to analyze the current situation, the historical context and the related institutions of other countries so as to summarize the reasons for frame conflict between the central and local authorities. In addition, based on governance and the democratic administration theories, the author offers a critical point of view on frame conflict to explore whether our country has to pass the Local Civil Service Act while at the same time providing some clues for further research.
起訖頁 55-91
關鍵詞 視框衝突一條鞭治理民主行政frame conflict“one-whip”systemgovernancedemocratic administration
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200912 (1:特刊期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務倫理:整合公共治理的概念
該期刊-下一篇 個體績效問責




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