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文官體制變革之論證   全文下載 全文下載
Argument on Civil Service System Reform
作者 蔡良文
Civil service system reform is an on-going and long-lasting process without end. The main defects of our lately-implemented civil service system are suppression of civil servants’creativity, restraint of innovative thoughts, and failure to establish a civil service commanding system. At present, the priority work for our civil service system is to distinguish between the ideological trends of public law and public management so as to cater to the need of national development. However, in terms of reform strategy, I believe we can learn from and refer to the experiences of other countries in respect of political ideology and thinking and, on the other hand, we should take the initiative in localizing the administrative system as well as the implementing techniques. In other words, choices must be made and institutions built in order to reform the civil service system in the spirit of the Constitution. As a result, this article tries to provide an argument on the reform from six perspectives, i.e. the national examination system, the civil servants recruitment system, the performance-based remuneration and welfare system, the performance evaluation and elimination mechanism, development of legal system for administrative neutrality, and pension fund system, in line with the functions of civil service system so that the future direction of development can be clarified and recommended.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 文官體制考選體制績效考核行政中立退撫制度civil service systemexamination systemperformance ratingadministrative neutralityretirement and indemnity system.
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200912 (1:特刊期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 國家文官學院的成立與核心任務的設定




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