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政策企業家於政策行銷過程的角色扮演   全文下載 全文下載
The Roles of Policy Entrepreneurs in the Policy Marketing Process
作者 魯炳炎
Based on theoretical concepts and literature review of public policy marketing and policy entrepreneurs, the policy entrepreneurs in this study acknowledge their limits in the complex policy contexts. Beginning with the discussion of whether policy entrepreneurs come from the public sector only, the author defines policy entrepreneurs of the public sector, including politi-cal, executive, and bureaucratic entrepreneurs, as those with particular per-sonality characteristics and public entrepreneurship who initiate and facili-tate innovative thinking and behavior. While surrounded by a network of policy actors involved in the innovation process, they are good at coordina-tion and communications. More important, they are able to allocate scare re-sources and capable of continual learning, which enables them to turn vision into reality. The study puts forth suggestions for policy entrepreneurs to im-prove their innovative behavior and emphasizes the pivotal importance of the mass media to policy marketing. In the final part, the author presents skills of integrated marketing communications for policy entrepreneurs, on behalf of public interests, such as parliamentary surveillance, policy market-ing, interagency coordination, and inter-governmental communications.
起訖頁 125-158
關鍵詞 公共政策行銷政策企業家創新整合性行銷傳播innovationintegrated marketing communicationspublic policy marketingpolicy entrepreneur
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200907 (1:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 建成圓環再生計畫失敗因素之探討:參與治理觀點




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