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如何消除貪污--四種途徑之分析   全文下載 全文下載
How to Eradicate Corruption: The Analysis of Four Approaches
作者 王政
Anti-corruption has become a global trend in recent years. First, this paper discusses the concepts, causes, and consequences of corruption. Then it uses the lawyer’s approach, the businessman’s approach, the economist’s approach, and the citizen’s approach to analyze the measures of corruption eradication. Although other countries have employed these approaches and effectively reduced corruption, their success might be achieved at the ex-pense of social costs. Therefore, this paper advises the government to adopt measures in accordance with the country’s circumstance in controlling cor-ruption. On the lawyer’s approach, the government should review its institu-tions and laws, and enhance law enforcement to deter corrupt behaviors. On the businessman’s approach, the government can increase public servants’morale and honor, focus on their career planning, and ensure the fairness of promotion. On the economist’s approach, the government can reduce the op-portunities of corruption by conducting economic liberalization and adminis-trative reform. The practical measures include deregulation, the simplifica-tion of administrative process, and the promotion of transparency of public information and procurement via e-government. Finally, on the citizen’s ap-proach, the government should devote itself to public education and conduct survey regularly so that the public awareness of corruption can be aroused. It can also encourage non-governmental organizations to participate in fighting against corruption.
起訖頁 51-76
關鍵詞 貪污指數尋租扈從關係網絡裙帶關係良善治理Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)rent-seekingpatron-client networksnepotismgood governance
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200901 (1:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務員服務法「旋轉門條款」規範內容之研究
該期刊-下一篇 公務倫理思維及其實踐行動的再思考--從人性假定出發




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