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The Design of the Smart Door Management System
作者 呂理煉陳偉業鄭博元陳俊成李紝龍陳以安褚榕樺
In recent years, the topic of smart home has become a topic that modern architecture attaches great importance to. In early buildings or apartments, due to immature technology, home security usually only relied on ordinary door locks. Thieves could easily open or pry the door lock, and then easily sneaking into a home to steal may not only cause property damage, but may even endanger the lives of homebody. In addition, it often brings the inconvenience of carrying the keys when going out and the trouble of forgetting to bring the keys.
The development of this system uses Arduino microcontroller, APP application design, ESP32-CAM module, Fingerprint sensor, Bluetooth of mobile phone and knowledge in electronic related fields to complete the circuit design. Therefore, this work ''The Design of the Smart Door Management System'' hopes to use the ever-changing technology to ensure the safety of family and property. This work has functions such as ''face recognition'', ''fingerprint recognition'', ''QR Code recognition'', ''RFID recognition'', ''mobile phone/keyboard password'', ''mobile phone/voice/LCD prompt'' and ''LCD menu''. In addition to preventing thief invasion and financial losses, improving home safety and convenience, it can also improve the quality of life and privacy.
起訖頁 39-58
關鍵詞 微控制器人臉辨識指紋辨識藍芽裝置APP應用程式MicrocontrollerFace recognitionFingerprint recognitionBluetooth deviceAPP application
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 202407 (17:1期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 2024臺灣國際蘭展遊客觀光意象、滿意度及重遊意願之關係研究




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