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Preliminary Study on Functions of the Principle of Unitary Information Under the Citizen Judges Act
作者 劉耀明
Article 43 of the Citizen Judges Act on“the principle of unitary information”refers to Article 256(6) of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Japan. However, the legal structure of the two is different, and Japan’s general criminal trials and cases with the participation of citizen judges all apply“the principle of unitary information”, but in our country it only applies to cases with the participation of citizen judges. Moreover, the concept of“count”was not adopted simultaneously in the formulation of the Citizen Judges Act. In order to understand the function of“the principle of unitary information”under the Citizen Judges Act, especially the policy that the record of indictments should follow, this paper attempts to start from the background of the establishment of“the principle of unitary information”and“the count system”in Japan, and analyze the possible impact of system differences between Taiwan and Japan. Finally, it is concluded that under the current legal system in our country, the purpose of“the principle of unitary information”is not to prevent the prejudgment of a fair court, but to maintain the information equality between professional judges and citizen judges. In addition, different legal effects are given according to the indictment records in violation of the relevant provisions.
起訖頁 173-255
關鍵詞 起訴狀一本主義卷證不併送預斷防止公平法院資訊平等The Principle of Unitary InformationTrial without the DossierPreventing PrejudiceFair CourtsInformation Equity
刊名 臺北大學法學論叢  
期數 202406 (130期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 勞動基準法第10條之1增訂後勞工及其家庭生活利益之審酌




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