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The Intensity of Oral Questions by County Councilors of Different Parties and Local Factions: A Case Study of the Eighteenth Council of Miaoli County
作者 徐俊明古哲瑋王宏文
Questioning is one of the crucial ways for legislators to oversight the government. Past research has primarily focused on measuring the performance of legislators through the number of questions they submitted or the range of policy areas that their questions covered, and research that analyzes the intensity of the question is scarce. To address this gap, this article employs a method developed by Maricut-Akbik (2021) to classify each question into four levels based on its oversight intensity. From the weakest to the strongest, the four levels are: 1) requests for information; 2) requests for justification; 3) requests for a change; and 4) requests for sanctions. This article examines the oral questions submitted by county councilors from the eighteenth council of Miaoli County, specifically examining whether oversight intensity varies between different political parties and factions.
Results indicate that regardless of political parties or factions, the most common questions submitted by councilors are ones that request for justification, followed by requests for information, and, least commonly, requests for sanctions. Furthermore, councilors from the opposition party camp, the pan-green camp, submitted significantly more questions requesting justifications and sanctions than the ruling faction. Additionally, despite belonging to the same political party camp as the ruling faction, the councilors of the opposition Liu faction submitted significantly more questions that requested sanctions compared to the ruling faction. In conclusion, this article finds that the intensity of questions by the opposition party and opposition faction councilors is relatively stronger than the councilors of the ruling faction.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 縣議員質詢監督派系苗栗county councilorquestionoversightfactionMiaoli
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202406 (78期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 以協力治理觀點探究我國資通安全區域聯防體系




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