中文摘要 |
腹瀉傳染病是全球5歲以下幼童的第二大死因,儘管衛生狀況和公眾健康意識均有顯著進步,依據世界衛生組織統計,每年仍大約有17億兒童腹瀉病例發生,其中有44萬3千名年齡小於5歲的兒童死於腹瀉疾病。近年來臺灣因食物處理過程或保存不當導致食物污染及微生物生長,造成食品中毒之急性腸胃炎的腹瀉案件通報數逐年攀升。本研究收集2018–2020年臺灣地區通報腹瀉案件進行分析並探討常見腹瀉細菌病原在其中所扮演的角色。在總計1,560起通報腹瀉案件共收集了7,167例患者的糞便與細菌拭子,其中有453例患者檢出細菌性病原,陽性率為6.32%,以沙門氏菌及金黃色葡萄球菌檢出率最多。隨著氣溫逐年上升的情形下,讓細菌病原活躍的時間拉長,食材的保存及環境的清潔變得極為重要,才能避免遭受病菌汙染。透過實驗室的檢驗監測,加上醫療院所及地方政府衛生單位進行通報及相關疫調,有助於幫助民眾注意飲食安全衛生,降低食安問題發生的頻率。 |
英文摘要 |
Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children aged under five years in the world. It is both preventable and treatable. Globally, nearly 1.7 billion cases of childhood diarrheal disease occur every year. Each year diarrhea kills around 443,832 children aged under five years. According to Taiwan’s Communicable Disease Control Act, all suspected gastroenteritis outbreaks must be reported, and stool samples should be collected and sent to Taiwan Centers for Disease Control through the Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. An upward trend of diarrhea outbreaks had been observed in recent years, and endemic cases also exhibiting increased incidence rates in Taiwan. Acute gastroenteritis from food poisoning, caused by contamination and microbial growth due to improper food handling or storage, increased annually. A total of 7,167 stool samples from 1,560 reported diarrheal outbreaks were collected during 2018 to 2020. Of these, 453 (6.32%) samples were laboratory-confirmed with bacteria pathogens. Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus infections accounted for the greatest number of diarrhea clusters. Rising average temperatures caused by global warming, weather fluctuations, and climate changes may affect the incidence and the spread of foodborne diseases. Thus, more attention needs to be paid to the preservation, cooking, processing, and handling of foods to avoid bacterial contamination. Continued monitoring of diarrhea outbreaks may provide a complete profile of epidemic patterns, which could be important to reduce the frequency of foodborne illnesses. |