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The Chosŏn Dynasty’s Intelligence Gathering on the Zheng Regime in Taiwan during the Ming-Qing Transition
作者 雷雨晴
Following the Qing conquest of the Ming dynasty, the Chosŏn (Joseon) dynasty was forced to become a vassal state of the Qing Empire, but the principle of“respecting the Ming”尊明continued, exemplified by their active search for information on the Ming and Southern Ming regimes, such as concern for the the Zheng鄭family’s rule in Taiwan under the Southern Ming dynasty. However, the Chosŏn had little official contact with the Zheng regime and could only ascertain the situation through active intelligence gathering, the three main sources of which included Chosŏn envoys to Yenching,“wandering”merchants from China, namely piaoliu min漂流民, and intelligence exchanges with Japan. The different characteristics and sources of this collected intelligence constitute a complex East Asian intelligence network, which also affected the internal and foreign affairs of the Chosŏn dynasty, such as adjustments in policy towards wandering peoples, the construction of fortifications, discussions on crossing the sea to Zheng, and the“Pseudo-Japanese Pirate Letter Incident”偽倭書事件that shook the Chosŏn. Moreover, it not only contains the Chosŏn dynasty’s perception and imagination of the Zheng regime in Taiwan, but also assists us in further understanding the internal political environment and the concept of China in the Chosŏn during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
起訖頁 121-151
關鍵詞 明清之際朝鮮王朝鄭氏政權中朝關係情報交流late Ming dynastyearly Qing dynastyKorean Chosŏn (Joseon) dynastyZheng regime in TaiwanSino-Chosŏn relationsinformation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202406 (42:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 〈王安石拜昭文相制〉在北宋中晚期經史詮釋中的反響
該期刊-下一篇 中英印三語合璧的語言教材──《英華仙尼華四雜字文》藏本考與價值重估




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