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秀傳醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Combination Therapy of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Ziyun Gao for Psoriasis: A Case Report
乾癬是一種慢性發炎性、非傳染性皮膚病變,根據台灣國民健康保險研究數據庫(National Health Insurance Research Database, NHIRD)的研究,台灣的盛行率為2.35/10000,以斑塊型乾癬(plaque psoriasis)最為常見。
本病例報告針對科學中藥及外用紫雲膏,搭配光照療法治療乾癬,透過比較治療前後的皮膚狀況,並參考乾癬面積暨嚴重度指數(Psoriasis Area Severity Index, PASI)評估治療成效。患者為一位五十四歲女性,主訴自2016年開始軀幹及四肢皮膚起癢疹,經西醫診斷確診為乾癬,2019年6月8日至本科求診。中醫辨證為肝經濕熱、心肝陰血虛、脾虛濕困,治則清瀉濕熱、滋陰養血、健脾除濕。
有別於多數研究以水煎藥、青黛膏作為內治、外治主方,本病例報告患者透過科學中藥及外用紫雲膏,搭配光照療法治療,促進其傷口癒合,同時減少乾癬面積及復發機率,最後傷口完全癒合(PASI: 0),後續追蹤十個月未復發。
Psoriasis is a non-communicable chronic inflammatory dermatosis. According to the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan, the prevalence of psoriasis is 2.35 per 10,000. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type.
This research focused on curing psoriasis by combining the therapy of Chinese herbal medicine, Ziyun Gao, and phototherapy. The results were evaluated based on the healing condition and the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). The patient, a 54-year-old female, exhibited multiple reddish to brownish, itching macules, papules, excoriations, and scales over the trunk and limbs since 2016. She was diagnosed with psoriasis by a dermatologist and admitted to our department on 2019/06/08. Traditional Chinese medicine syndromes identified were excessive dampness-heat in the liver and gallbladder, deficiency of heart yin, deficiency of liver yin, and damp retention due to spleen deficiency. Chinese herbal medicine was employed to clear heat, cool the blood, and drain dampness, while also nourishing Yin and the blood. Additionally, it aimed to invigorate the spleen to eliminate dampness.
In contrast to most studies using Chinese herbal decoction and indigo ointment for treating psoriasis, this case study utilized Ziyun Gao, phototherapy, and concentrated herbal extracts to promote wound healing, decrease the intertriginous area, and reduce the recurrence rate. Ultimately, the wound achieved total healing (PASI: 0), with no recurrence of psoriasis vulgaris for at least ten months after completing the treatment.
起訖頁 266-279
關鍵詞 乾癬科學中藥紫雲膏光照療法psoriasis vulgarisChinese herbal medicineZiyun Gaophototherapy
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 202408 (23:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 經子宮鏡進行子宮黏膜下巨大肌瘤切除術後成功妊娠分娩的個案報告
該期刊-下一篇 使用呼吸器的COVID-19病人發生氣胸與縱膈氣腫:案例系列與文獻綜述




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