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Role of Cannulated Screws in the Fixation of Pauwels III 70-Degree Femoral Neck Fractures with a Medial Buttress Locking Plate
A medial buttress locking plate and three cannulated screws have been proposed for the management of Pauwels III femoral neck fractures. However, the implantation of three cannulated screws together with the medial buttress locking plate is a highly demanding technique. To maintain a balance between the number of cannulated screws and the stability of the fixation in Pauwels III femoral neck fractures, this study compared the mechanical stability of a fractured femur with a medial buttress plate and different configurations of cannulated screws with finite element (FE) simulation. An FE hip model with a fractured femur neck fixed using different fixation approaches was created in this study. The fracture was defined as Pauwels III femoral neck fracture with a 1-mm gap. The approaches used included three traditional parallel cannulated screws in a downward triangular configuration, a medial buttress locking plate along with three cannulated screws in a downward triangular configuration, two superior screws, and one cannulated screw. Furthermore, different locations, namely, the anterior, middle, and posterior to the femoral neck, were considered for the cannulated screw. The results indicated that the gap deformation and the displacement of the fractured femur head with the medial buttress plate along with two and three cannulated screws were significantly smaller than that with the medial buttress plate along with one cannulated screw and just three cannulated screws. Furthermore, the medial buttress plate could prevent the inferior part of the fracture gap from collapsing under loading. However, the stress of the locking plate and screws was higher than that of the cannulated screws. Based on the present simulation, instead of one cannulated screw, two superiorly placed cannulated screws or three cannulated screws placed in a downward triangular configuration are recommended in combination with a medial buttress locking plate for the management of Pauwels III femoral neck fractures.
起訖頁 194-205
關鍵詞 股骨頸骨折內側支撐骨板中空鏍釘固定力學穩定度Pauwels III femoral neck fractureMedial buttress plateCannulated screwFinite element analysis
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 202408 (23:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 護理個案管理模式對台灣類風濕性關節炎患者疼痛與疲憊之成效探討
該期刊-下一篇 利用正前開和內側支撐鋼板治療年輕人股骨頸骨折之研究




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