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The Effects of Augmented Reality Advertising on Consumers' Flow Experience and Advertising Attitude
作者 方菁容
The study aims to examine whether the advertising value of AR advertisements (informativeness, entertainment, interactivity) differs based on different content formats (visual-viewing and visual-interacting) and the moderating effect of technological usefulness, and whether it leads to differences in flow experience and advertising attitudes. This study employed purposive sampling to target a young demographic and utilized a between-subjects design, collecting a total of 208 valid samples. Through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between various research constructs, the results indicate that the informativeness, entertainment, and interactivity of AR advertising positively influence consumers' flow experience. Flow experience, in turn, positively affects consumers' attitudes towards AR advertisements. When technological usefulness is higher, the effects of informativeness, entertainment, and interactivity on the flow experience of AR advertising are stronger. When the content format of the advertisement is predominantly visual-interacting, the interaction effect of technological usefulness on the relationship between informativeness, entertainment, and flow experience is stronger. Neglecting these aspects may impede connection with the audience during the design process.
起訖頁 51-78
關鍵詞 廣告價值擴增實境使用者體驗科技接受模式Advertising ValueARUser ExperienceTechnology Acceptance Model
刊名 中國廣告學刊  
期數 202403 (29期)
出版單位 中國文化大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 以學習為本、洞察為業的媒體策略專家:亞太行銷數位轉型聯盟協會共同創辦人暨堯智科技創辦人──黃燕玲
該期刊-下一篇 霹靂布袋戲人物角色解構之色彩計畫研究——以首席男主角素還真為例




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