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A Study on the Fiction Genre of Master Hsing Yun's National Master Yulin: From the Perspective of Bildungsroman
作者 陳政彥
星雲法師所著《玉琳國師》長年以來廣受好評,並且改編成各式戲劇,影響深遠,因此本文希望透過西方文學當中成長小說的概念,思考《玉琳國師》作為一種特別的青年僧侶成長小說,讓我們能更清楚地挖掘《玉琳國師》廣受大眾喜愛的原因。在小說當中,我們可以看到玉琳在自身修養的課題上,超越了愛執與我慢的關卡,在利他的方面,則是逐漸由小乘自了漢轉變成承擔名利,努力救濟一切眾生的大乘菩薩。 同時,星雲法師仔細地刻畫玉琳在面對每一個難關時,內心充滿的猶豫掙扎,一方面,我們可以更清楚看到玉琳一路成長的心路歷程,一方面則可以讓平凡的我們也能依循著玉琳的思考脈絡,解決我們自身的難題,或許這正是《玉琳國師》長年以來受到歡迎的最重要原因。
Master Hsing Yun's National Master Yulin has been praised for long, adapted into all kinds of theatrical forms and having deep influence. Through the concept of bildungsroman in western literature, this study expects to think about National Master Yulin as a special bildungsroman of young monks so that we can more clearly find out the reasons why National Master Yulin is widely loved by the public. In the novel, we can find that Yulin has surpassed the barriers of covetous affection and self-superiority in the course of self-cultivation. As for altruism, he has gradually turned from an egotistic man of Hinayana into a Mahayana Buddha taking fame and wealth and endeavoring to help the world. At the same time, Master Hsing Yun carefully depicts Yulin's inner mind full of hesitation and conflict in the face of every difficulty. On the one hand, we can see Yulin's spiritual journey all the way in his growth more clearly. On the other hand, as ordinary people, we can also follow Yulin's thinking context and solve our own problems. Maybe this is the most important reason why National Master Yulin has long been acclaimed.
起訖頁 193-211
關鍵詞 星雲法師《玉琳國師》成長小說小說類型Master Hsing YunNational Master Yulinbildungsromanfiction genre study
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201806 (27期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 神聖聯誼與合緣共振的交感模式——「世界神明聯誼會」的人文精神探索
該期刊-下一篇 從《合掌人生》論「星雲體」的建構




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