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The writing strategy of Han Yu's anti-Buddhist and Daoism poetry
作者 曾金承
It was well-known around the Don Dynasty that Han Yu opposed Buddhist . Especially He strongly expressed his standpoint in the article Discussing greeting Fo gu table to express his strong opposition against Buddhism. As for the poetry performance, there were few such radical contents, however, He strategically expressed this opinion in the narrative and reciprocating poem. This paper attempts to take poetry writing angle strategy to explore Han Yu's six anti-Buddhist and Daoism poem and hopefully to explore his Ideological proposition and writing technique through out this researching process. Due to research space limitation, only six poems which are qualified for being chose to express anti-Buddhist and Daoism. These narrative poems are ,Xie natural poetry, Hua-shan female, send monk Cheng-guan, send hui shi, send ling shi, shui shi zi. This article attempts to focus the issues by taking the Confucianism that Han Yu respected as orthodoxy governance object, Buddhism and Daoism as the critical focus, to explore that how Han Yu expressed personal opinion and arranged the writing skill of his poems to highlights the importance of his strategy writing.
起訖頁 137-170
關鍵詞 韓愈反佛排道敘事以賦為詩書寫策略Han YuAnti Buddhism and DaoismNarrativeTo chant as the poemwriting strategy
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201412 (20期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 于右任文學造詣與書法藝術之關係探究
該期刊-下一篇 「轉注」旁證




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