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Probe Into the Meaning of Illusion in Tang Legend 〈Du Zi Chun〉–by the History、Ritual Process and Construction Analysis in Dantao Practice
作者 莊敦榮
Tang Legends 〈Du Zi Chun〉 which adopted the archetypes of 〈Lie Shi Chi〉 has got the most attention among series of relevance stories with different variation. The description of character and plot is delicacy and is full of Chinese culture at that time. The most important of all is that the story takes the Alchemy as a main content. Previous researchers focused more either on the meaning of the plot or on religion which are apt to discuss about carrying forward humanity or failing to become immortal in spite of the fact that the key element to move story forward is the relationship between the ritual process of Alchemy and individual. Therefore, this article would first discuss the relationship between 〈Du Zi Chun〉 and Neidan and Waidan and individual. Second, we would infer the relationship between the meaning of the illusory scene trial and limen stage in Ritual Theory. Third, how those important taboos in the ritual of Alchemy affected by both Buddism and Daolism and reveal profound introspection. Fourth, follow the ideas of Dantao Kan Li (fire and water)compound to justify the fire and water reflect exactly the illusion and will of Du Zi Chun. Finally analyze both the meaning of trial in Daolism by connecting water and mirror and how the fire of Neidan which implies strong will propels the story. This article explains the scene and plot of the story, clarifies the relevance between the development of Dantao and practice and finally concludes by the thought of practice of Dantao of China itself. Take Du Zi Chun was reborn as a girl for example, we could explain it by the concept of Dantao Kan Li. This article is to show the story, 〈Du Zi Chun〉's prosperous development in different levels such as Contemporary Mythology, Philosophy of Language, Ritual Theory…etc.
起訖頁 53-95
關鍵詞 丹道閾限語言原型DantaoLimenLangauageArchetypes
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201412 (20期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 重訪伊莉莎白‧蓋斯凱爾的《北與南》: 一部女性遊記
該期刊-下一篇 于右任文學造詣與書法藝術之關係探究




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