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Studies of Ming Dynasty Novel in Russia and Soviet Union
作者 葉可嘉
Since the scope of the Russian and Soviet studies in the field of Chinese classical literature is quite enormous, this paper is focusing only on the research and translation of Ming period stories and novellas apart from“four Ming masterpiece novels”and addresses the following issues: 1) brief account of Chinese classical literature translation and studies in 19th century Russia in the works of the patriarchs of Russian sinology, e.g. Bichurin (1777-1853), V. Vasilivev (1818-1900), V. Alexeev (1881-1951) etc.; 2) rise of translation and research activity during early Soviet and especially post-WWII periods, Acad. Alexeev`s approach to classical Chinese literature translation and influence of his school; views and ideas expressed in introductions, conclusions, comments to the Russian language translations of Ming novels and academic works by Soviet sinologists; 3) translation and research of the following literary works: New stories told while trimming the wick 剪燈新話 (Qu You 瞿佑,1378), Additional stories told while trimming the wick 剪燈餘話 (Li Changqi 李昌祺, 1467), collection Curious stories of present and past days 今古奇 觀, collections edited by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍and Ling Mengchu 淩蒙初, works of Li You 李漁; 4) Ming dynasty literature involved in theoretical debates about“Asian Renaissance”,“New Time”and Enlightenment in China that took place during Soviet period.
起訖頁 149-201
關鍵詞 蘇俄漢學明代小說理論Russian and Soviet sinologyMing dynastynoveltheory
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201312 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王龍溪〈大象義述〉析論




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