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Ji Gu Sheng Xin, Gui Zong Zi Ran (Engendering the New from Inheritance of the Past, Returning to Nature)–On the Theory of Liu Chen-weng's Ping-dian (Marginalia) of Poetry
作者 鄭幸雅
Liu Chen-weng (1232-1297), born during the regime changes in Late Song and Early Yuan Dynasty, with variable, transitional and transformational characteristics in many aspects whether in literary thought, style, artistic creation, or aesthetic taste in his writings, has a great value worth studying and researching. This paper aims at the object of study on Xuxi's Ping-dian (marginalia) of poetic works, trying to trace and expound Liu's commentary approaches and literary styles presented in Xuxi's marginalia through the dialogue of lexical symbols and poetic texts, and to verify the fact that Liu's commentary works, not as stated in Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao, just simply intend to be distinctive and trenchant, only mind flowery diction (Tiao Qiao) in rhetoric, and of no benefit to the future generations. This paper elaborates the approaches addressed at three levels which refer to commentary substance revealing real sentiments , commentary practice containing decent statements, and commentary pleasure enlightening indigenous delight as well. Furthermore, this paper is expected not only to manifest the uniqueness of discourse order, norms and features through the lexical appreciation of Xuxi's commentary works, but also to expose the conditions and characteristics of creative subject by overall grasp of language style as a whole to expound the deep hidden reasons for the formation of works. And, thereby to build up a standard to identify what is better or worse. Thus, the readers probably can find the artistic significance in“She Fa Deng An”(taking this good way to give up a raft to ascend the shore) to attain the core connotation of literature with such a touchstone of the appreciation of literary activities.
起訖頁 135-176
關鍵詞 劉辰翁評點自然汲古生新Liu Chen-weng(Xuxi)Ping-dian(marginalia)natureJi Gu Sheng Xin
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201306 (17期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 現代知識生命的轉折——梁啟超「小說界革命」的思想史意涵
該期刊-下一篇 釣鼇斬鯨撫劍吟——論李正治教授的李白詩研究




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