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Qu-Yuan's Chuci and Shine-Young's Love Poems–A New Topic of Chuci Issue
作者 陳啟佑
向陽曾在多篇文章中述及他從初中時期起即受屈原辭賦影響。向陽情詩甚多,此應亦受屈原辭賦的啟發,本文即針對幾個重要現象探討並証實之。 向陽情詩有些以自然景物來表達愛情之氛圍、意境,此與屈原情詩運用自然景物比興以營造氛圍、意境,料亦有關。此為重要現象之一。另一現象為屈原常運用自然景物以喻人,向陽情詩亦有類似之特色,所不同者,後者所比喻之對象為情侶。此又可區分兩點來討論:一、以非植物的自然物件以喻男女者。二、以自然物件的植物以喻男女者。屈原常以植物(即古人所謂香草)喻人,有開創性亦頗特殊,為歷代楚辭學者所稱道,向陽在這方面除承繼屈原之外,亦有新的開發。凡此種種現象,皆可証明向陽情詩與屈原辭賦之關聯。
In several articles, Shine-Young has mentioned that he has been influenced by Qu-Yuan's Chuci since he was in junior high school. Shine-Young wrote many love poems. His love poems should also be affected by Qu-Yuan's Chuci. The subject of this paper is aiming to explore several important phenomena and confirm them. Some of Shine-Young's love poems present natural sceneries to express the atmosphere and artistic mood; this is similar to Qu-Yuan's love poems which applied the natural sceneries to compare and evoke the creation of atmosphere and artistic mood. Both are relevant. This is one of the important phenomena. Another phenomenon is that Qu-Yuan often created metaphors by using natural sceneries to compare with people while Shine-Young's loves poems also have similar characteristics. The only difference is that Shine-Young's metaphors implied couples. However, this issue can be divided into two parts to discuss further: first, using non-plant nature objects to compare to male and female; second, using nature plants to compare to male and female. Qu-Yuan often used plants (that is“herbs,”called by the ancients) comparing to human beings. It was not only creative, but also unique and the comparisons were always complimented by the Chuci scholars of all the past dynasties. Shine-Young, in this way, has followed in Qu-Yuan's steps and also has new developments. All the mentioned phenomena can prove the connected relationship between Shine-Yong's love poems and Qu-Yuan's Chuci.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 屈原楚辭辭賦向陽情詩自然景物意境植物Qu-YuanChuciShine-Younglove poemnatural sceneryartistic moodplant
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201212 (16期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-下一篇 現代禪詩如何可能?——以洛夫詩作為例




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