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On conglomerate classifiers of ( articles tablet) in Famen Temple at Tang dynasty
作者 洪藝芳
法門寺唐代碑文〈衣物帳〉是屬於出土文獻,未經後人添加或改動,其語料的真實性絕非傳世典籍所能比擬。而且它是記載晚唐真身供奉品的清單,由於內容以計量爲主,所以量詞的數目和使用頻率皆遠高於同時期的傳世典籍,極有利於量詞的考察。再加以唐代正好處於漢語量詞發展史上承先啓後的關鍵期。因此,以〈衣物帳〉來探究唐代量詞的實貌,其價值與意義是相當深遠的。 本文以〈衣物帳〉中的集體量詞爲硏究對象,結合傳統與現代語言學的理論和方法,針對其數量結構組合形式、意義、用例、名詞與量詞的搭配和演化等進行描寫和分析,並進一步與相關語料從事共時和歷時的比較。期能藉此呈現唐代〈衣物帳〉中集體量詞的面貌和規律,同時,彌補傳統以傳世典籍爲硏究對象的不足,並且塡補漢語量詞史上的一段空白。
The ( articles tablet ) of Famen Temple is excavation materials not modified by the descendants. The reality of the documentary materials cannot compare with that of the articles tablet. It enumerates the defying for the Buddhism at late Tang dynasty. Because the substances are measurements of quantities, the amount and frequency of the (articles tablet ) are much more than those of the contemporary materials. It is advantageous to observe classifiers at late Tang dynasty by studying the (articles tablet) . The paper takes conglomerate classifiers of (articles tablet ) as an object of study. It integrates modes and speculations of historic and topical linguistics to aim at quantity construction, component forms, denotation, and illustration. It makes describing and analyzing of both nouns and classifiers on collocation and derivation. It envisages showing the conglomerate classifiers from (articles tablet ) at Tang dynasty, fulfilling consuetudinary inquiry of documentary materials and making up for dimension of chronicled Chinese classifiers.
起訖頁 35-57
關鍵詞 法門寺唐代衣物帳集體量詞Famen TempleTang dynastyarticles tabletconglomerate classifier
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200607 (4期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 敦煌曲子詞研究述評與研究方法之考察
該期刊-下一篇 《出曜經》動物譬喻研究




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