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作者 吳盈靜
As one of the deserted citizens from South Ming Dynasty, Tsang-Shui Chang, a person with literary talent and martial skills, fled away as a refugee when his country was destroyed. At that time, most of the deserted people had a choice either for suicide for the country or for being a hermit. He led an army fighting anainst the Ching Dynasty even though he knew that there was no hope to win the battle. His doing was evoked by his literary character and patriotic affection. That literary character triggered him to stand up against the coming exotic invaders; the patriotic affection made him feel shameful to be a citizen of the coming invaders. Therefore, his value to his remained lifetime was fleeing away from his destroyed country and wandering around as a refugee. The lonely and helpless affection he got was transformed into poems. Those poems were highly regard as a spirit from a respectful martyr and were treated as a special poetic style in South Ming Dynasty
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 遺民流亡張蒼水南明deserted citizenrefugeeTsang-Shui ChangSouth Ming Dynast
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200407 (2期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-下一篇 重評李日華《南西廂記》




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