中文摘要 |
社區護理學涵蓋許多不易懂的抽象概念,而鷹架教學策略廣用於中小學教育,但鮮少探究用在護理的成效。因此,本研究欲探討多元鷹架策略融入護理師國考課程的學習成效。多元鷹架包括小組合作學習、學習單、即時回饋評量。採類實驗及混合設計法,進行質量性資料多重檢核,隨機分配修習「社區護理學」為1組控制組,兩組實驗組(7週、14週鷹架輔助),147位學生完成3次問卷,兩組焦點團體訪談及學習日誌與教師反思,以了解的教學成效。研究結果發現多元鷹架輔助兩個實驗組在成績變化上均顯著高於控制組(Wald X2=55.73, p<.000);在賦權感受上,7週實驗組顯著高於控制組(Wald X2=32.93, p<.001)。以整體學習成效比較來看,對護理師國考社區護理學而言,多元鷹架策略不建議整個學期融入,鷹架輔助7週的課程即可;另外,同校同時不同班級的類實驗研究設計也須考量強亨利效應。 |
英文摘要 |
The teaching content of Community Nursing covers many abstract concepts. Scaffolding teaching strategies are widely used in primary and secondary education, but rarely in nursing education. Therefore, this study aims to explore the learning effectiveness of integrating multiple scaffolding strategies into Community Nursing, a license exam course. The multiple scaffolding includes group cooperative learning, worksheets, and real-time feedback assessments. A quasi-experimental design with cluster sampling was adopt to select two classes of community nursing students and assigned into one contrast group, two experimental group. We adopt mixed design approach to collect data. A total of 147 students completed questionnaire for three times throughout the semester, and 14 participated in two focus group interviews. Teacher’s reflections and teaching diary were collected. The changes in the mid-term and final results showed that the effectiveness of the two interventions on the academic performance was significantly higher than that of the control group (Wald X2=55.73, p<.000). The effectiveness of 7-week intervention for empowerment was significantly higher than that of the 14-week intervention and control group (Wald X2=32.93, p<.001). In terms of the overall learning effect, for community nursing course, the multi-scaffolding strategy is not recommended to be integrated into the whole semester, might integrate into 7-week course. In addition, the strong Henry effect should also be considered in the design of quasi-experimental studies in different classes at the same time. |