中文摘要 |
研究目的 資訊與通訊科技(information and communications technology, ICT)的應用能力是學生解決未來複雜問題亦受國際重視的重要素養之一。臺灣在2018年參與經濟合作暨發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)「教學與學習國際調查」(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS)顯示,臺灣教師讓學生使用ICT完成專題課堂作業的比例大幅落後其他國家。本研究參照「TALIS 2018臺灣報告」中教師問卷調查資料庫數據進行次級資料分析,探討國小教師讓學生運用ICT完成專題作業之表現情形與決策因素。 研究設計/方法/取徑 本研究選擇TALIS 2018調查資料要求之抽樣基本原則所取得的3494份國小教師問卷進行分析。經由文獻整理之重要變項,對應TALIS 2018國小教師問卷資料選取自變項,並以「對特定班級的教學,從事讓學生運用ICT完成專題或作業的頻率」為應變項進行決策樹分析,以了解臺灣教師讓學生運用ICT完成專題或作業之表現情形與決策因素。 研究發現或結論 研究結果發現六個重要的決策節點分別為:給學生複雜任務、給沒有明顯答案的任務、安排小組共同解決問題、運用數位科技幫助學生學習、教師ICT技能專業發展以及教師協同教學頻率。並依決策節點分類出探究教學方法、多元教學自我效能、教師專業發展需求以及教師協同教學頻率的四個重要構面。 研究原創性/價值 本研究透過決策樹(decision tree)演算法進行TALIS 2018資料庫分析,提出過去較少探討教師在帶領學生運用資訊科技進行專題產出性活動決策因素的研究,本研究具有學術上與實務上之個殊性與重要性。 教育政策建議與應用 透過本研究結果提出教師探究教學方法、多元教學自我效能、教師專業發展需求以及教師協同教學頻率等四個構面之結論與建議。 |
英文摘要 |
Research Purpose The purpose of this article is to conduct a decision tree analysis to investigate why the extent of elementary teachers in Taiwan who foster students’use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for projects or classwork lagged behind other countries. This study is based on a survey conducted when Taiwan participated in the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in 2018. This is concerning because ICT applications have become a critical competence for students to solve a variety of problems. Research Design/Method/Approach This study applied a decision tree analysis to investigate the key elements driving elementary school teachers to encourage students to use ICT to conduct projects. The data used were extracted from the OECD database of the TALIS 2018 survey. This study explores the decision factors regarding the frequency with which students use ICT for projects or classwork, based on a sample of 3,494 teachers. Research Findings or Conclusions According to the findings, the major dimensions drive teachers to use ICT, leading students to conduct project-based learning in elementary school classrooms: (1) providing students with complex tasks, (2) assigning tasks for which there is no obvious solution, (3) working in small groups to come up with a joint solution to a problem or task, (4) supporting student learning through the use of digital technology, (5) professional development of teachers’ICT skills, and (6) frequency of teachers’engagement in joint activities across different classes and age groups (e.g. projects). Research Originality/Value To the best of authors’knowledge, this study is the first attempt to use a decision tree analysis to investigate the factors that influence teachers in elementary schools to use ICT, leading students to conduct project learning. This study offers a starting point for individuals interested in understanding ICT teaching in classrooms and its practical influence on project-based learning. Educational Policy Recommendations and Applications This study suggests that teachers’inquiry-based teaching methods, self-efficacy in diverse education, professional development needs, and frequency of teacher collaboration are critical elements in encouraging elementary teachers to lead their students to engage in project-based learning by applying ICT. |