中文摘要 |
常見精神障礙(Common Mental Disorders, CMD)包含各種身體、心理和社會方面的障礙。青少年受到來自家庭、學業、同儕等各種危險因素影響,更有可能罹患CMD。資優學生的成長歷程會比一般學生經歷更多壓力、焦慮及適應等問題,是為不容忽視的議題。休閒被視為壓力、焦慮及適應等問題的調適方法之一。本研究目的探討並檢視目前有關資賦優異學生休閒行為與壓力調適之相關研究文獻。本研究以範域文獻回顧研究的方式進行,蒐集並分析相關研究文獻之研究特徵包括:研究地點、研究類型、研究參與者、研究問題、研究結果及文獻品質。本研究共納入五篇來自美國、臺灣、土耳其及越南之問卷調查及質性研究文獻,參與者人次共1,279位資優學生。研究發現休閒行為可能對資優學生的心理健康及生活品質產生正面影響,建議資優教育實務工作者提供資優學生更多參與休閒及休閒教育的機會。然而有關研究領域仍處起步階段,更具實證等級的證據及其他研究缺口有待未來研究進一步探索。 |
英文摘要 |
Common mental disorders (CMD) pose challenges across the physical, psy-chological, and social spheres. Adolescents influenced by factors, family dynamics, academic pressure, peer relationships... face heightened CMD risk. Gifted students encounter elevated CMD hurdles compared to peers. Leisure serves as a vital adap-tive strategy for addressing these issues. This study aims to explore the link be-tween leisure behavior and stress adaptation in gifted students through a mapping review. It collects and analyzes key features of relevant studies, including location, methodology, participants, research questions, findings, and study quality. Five studies utilizing surveys and qualitative research, were included, involving 1,279 gifted student participants. Findings indicate leisure may benefit gifted students' well-being and quality of life. It is recommended that the gifted education practition-ers offer more leisure opportunities and education. Yet, the research field is in early stage; more studies are needed for empirical evidence and addressing research gaps. |