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On the Inadequate Compatibility between Audience Expectations and Judicial Judgments and the Countermeasures
作者 葉小蘭
The audience theory shows that judicial adjudication is a constrained rational demonstration process, the referee should consider the expectations of the audience and modify his reasoning and argumentation in turn to enhance the acceptability of the judgment. In practice, there is a phenomenon of insufficient alignment between audience expectations and judicial rulings, which not only directly affects the litigant􀆶s strategy and the public􀆶s judgment on the case, but also affects the judge􀆶s assessment, and, also affects the overall evaluation of judicial activities by the public in a rule of law society at a macro level. In the process of completing the judicial trial activities and making the judgment results, the judge should not only think about how to persuade the litigants, but also consider how to make the judgment results understood and accepted by other bystanders as much as possible, and explore forward-looking response mechanisms based on the essential requirements of judicial activities under the established legal system.
起訖頁 103-120
關鍵詞 新修辭學司法裁判受眾預期可接受性法律論證new rhetoricjudicial judgmentaudience expectationacceptabilitylegal argumentation
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202403 (2024:2期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 行政訴訟恢復效力判決的反思與修正
該期刊-下一篇 碳達峰碳中和對全球氣候治理國際法律責任體系的重塑




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