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作者 熊琦
As a widely adopted system in algorithms era by internet service providers, copyright filtering is considered as the result of Increased duty of care and expanded necessary measures in China. But this perseption leads to a highly controversial debate based on ''from technology promotion to liability escalation''. After reviewing the history of copyright filtering system, it is not a Proactive filtering obligation, but a compound private ordering that containing Confirmation of Rights, authorize use and Infringement Prohibition. this private ordering can actively allocate transaction costs among copyright owners, internet service providers and end users for the change of business model. In order to fully adopt all three levels of copyright filtering system, the legality and standard of sublicense should be confirmed through the justice. Meanwhile, copyright filtering system should not be considered as necessary measures, so that fair use and other judicial judgment can be normally aapplied.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 版权过滤过滤义务网络服务提供者转授权“避风港”规则Copyright FilteringFiltering ObligationInternet Service ProvidersSublicense''safe-harbor'' rules
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202404 (2024:4期)
該期刊-上一篇 网络版权保护十年:产业与制度的相生相克
該期刊-下一篇 知识产权法与民法的体系定位




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