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Discrete Coding: Inter-Track Writing and Multiple Translations in Media Stylo
作者 林欣怡
Drawing from the realm of cross-cultural cinema and employing a multi-focal observation of cultural migrations, this article attempts to introduce terms such as ''discrete codes'' and ''media stylo.'' These terms signify a novel media film-writing format that serves as a bridge between diverse cultural codes. At the outset, the discussion revolves around how researchers can effectively employ ''thick description'' and convey their understanding of audio-visual archives when navigating digital images that traverse numerous touchpoints, borders, interfaces, and cultural contexts. Building on this foundational inquiry, the article explores the distinct nuances of essay film, video essay, and“media stylo,”all of which serve as modalities of visual narration. It further contemplates thought experiments and the subjectivity inherent in these writing modalities. The discussion advances to discuss the aesthetic essence of the“media stylo,”how it switches codes with cultural media, and how such an interplay results in the emergence of the“discrete code”and cultural transitions. It probes how these dynamics shape the varied nuances of viewing, reading, and translating, further mediating the viewer's multilayered internal cultural translations.
起訖頁 67-81
關鍵詞 多重翻譯媒體筆跨軌書寫錄像論文離散語碼multiple translationsmedia-stylointer-track writingvideo essaydiscrete coding
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202312 (5期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 蘇匯宇近期(2016-2020)錄像作品中的歷史參照、劇場性與性別操演
該期刊-下一篇 體知傀儡──談虛擬實境中的身體操偶




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