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After NFTs Have Died: Revisiting the Decentralization of Tech Art–Through the Lens of 'Dreaming of Digital Twins' and the 'Right-click to Save As' Exhibition
作者 羅禾淋
在2023年,NFT(非同質化代幣)市場遭遇了前所未有的挑戰和負面報導,特別是dappgambl發布的《Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market》報告,其中指出95%的NFT價值已歸零。這篇報導被廣泛轉載,對NFT的公眾形象造成了巨大衝擊。台灣央行甚至在2024年透過風傳媒表示,NFT市場已經泡沫化,並明確表示不會發行總統就職紀念NFT。這些發展似乎標誌著NFT的終結,但同時也為市場提供了重新評估和認識NFT的機會。本研究在上述背景下,旨在分析NFT的當前發展狀況,並從藝術角度探索NFT在未來科技藝術可能的新美學創作輪廓及其角色。特別是在類別化和藝術化的問題上,研究探討了NFT是否仍有潛力成為重要的藝術媒介。
本研究聚焦於兩次策展實踐:2022年底在高雄駁二漾藝術博覽會舉辦的NFT主題特展《夢回數位孿生之詩》,以及2023年底在臺北FLAME TP錄像藝術博覽會舉辦的NFT主題特展《快按右鍵另存》。這兩場策展分別展示了NFT與科技藝術之間的連接以及對NFT和數位檔案價值矛盾的反諷討論,特別是在市場低迷時期。《夢回數位孿生之詩》展示了如何透過科技藝術下的運算美學與NFT建立聯繫,而《快按右鍵另存》則在NFT被宣告“死亡”的背景下,探討了NFT與數位檔案之間矛盾的價值關係。通過這兩次策展,本研究揭示了即使在NFT市場受到重大打擊之後,仍有機會從藝術和文化的角度重新審視和發現NFT的價值。這表明,儘管市場泡沫化和負面報導,NFT作為一種新興的藝術形式和文化現象,仍有潛力在未來演變和成熟。
In 2023, the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) market faced unprecedented challenges and negative press, particularly highlighted by the report ''Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market'' published by dappgambl, which noted that 95% of NFT values had plummeted to zero. This report was widely circulated and significantly impacted the public image of NFTs. Even the Central Bank of Taiwan declared through the Wind Media in 2024 that the NFT market had become a bubble, explicitly stating that it would not issue a presidential inauguration commemorative NFT. These developments seemed to signal the end for NFTs but also provided an opportunity for the market to reassess and rediscover the role of NFTs. Against this backdrop, this study aims to analyze the current developments of NFTs and explores the potential new aesthetic creations and roles of NFTs in future technological arts, particularly from an artistic perspective. The study examines whether NFTs still have the potential to become a significant artistic medium, especially in terms of categorization and artistic realization.
This research focuses on two curatorial practices: the NFT-themed special exhibition ''Dream Back to Digital Twin Poetry'' held at the Kaohsiung Pier-2 Art Expo at the end of 2022, and the NFT-themed special exhibition ''Right Click to Save'' held at the Taipei FLAME TP Video Art Expo at the end of 2023. These exhibitions showcased the connection between NFTs and technological arts and the ironic discussion on the contradiction in value between NFTs and digital files, especially during market downturns. ''Dream Back to Digital Twin Poetry'' demonstrated how computational aesthetics in technological arts could link with NFTs, while ''Right Click to Save'' explored the contradictory value relationship between NFTs and digital files against the backdrop of NFTs being declared ''dead''. Through these exhibitions, the study reveals that there is still an opportunity to re-evaluate and discover the value of NFTs from artistic and cultural perspectives, even after the NFT market has taken significant hits. This indicates that despite market bubbles and negative publicity, NFTs as an emerging art form and cultural phenomenon still have the potential to evolve and mature in the future.
起訖頁 53-67
關鍵詞 NFT演算藝術生成藝術網路藝術去中心化NFTAlgorithmic ArtGenerative ArtNet ArtDecentralization
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 202312 (27期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 未來的永續檔案:後博物館時代的NFT應用
該期刊-下一篇 文化相對論:以貝翠斯‧帕森的澳洲原住民藝術研究為例




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