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Spiritual cultivation by Samadhi and Prajñā: On character education in Platform Sutra
作者 王嘉陵 (Chia-Ling Wang)
The aim of this article is to discuss spiritual cultivation of Samadhi and Prajñāin Platform Sutra. Following this, the significance of character education by Samadhi and Prajñāis analyzed. Platform Sutra is a vital classic in Chan school, which is the only Chinese work can be called Buddhist sutra. For Buddhist character education, Platform Sutra plays a very important role. This article, first, explains the idea of Samadhi and its manners of practice. Second, the concept of Prajñāis explored, including the relations between Samadhi and Prajñā. Third, based on the main purpose of Samadhi and Prajñāin Platform Sutra, its implications on character education are discussed. According to the view of the sixth patriarch-Huineng, being aware of human original mind is a vital task for Buddhist education. The maturity of human character depends on the degree of mind purification. Therefore, this article concludes that the character education of Chan is the education of returning to the original self- the Buddha nature. 'Non-attachment' and 'no-thought' are manners for reaching this educational purpose, in order to obtaining back human original perfect wisdom, and breaking through the limitation of human life.
起訖頁 45-58
關鍵詞 禪定智慧靈性六祖壇經人格教育SamadhiPrajñāspiritualityPlatform Sutracharacter education
刊名 應用倫理評論  
期數 202404 (76期)
出版單位 國立中央大學哲學研究所應用倫理研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 由莊子「無用之用」談生命教育的意義
該期刊-下一篇 自我覺察:宋明新儒家實踐哲學與當代諮商心理學的觀點




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