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Review Article,Thomas Hobbes on Prudence and Morality
Review Article,Thomas Hobbes on Prudence and Morality
作者 林浩懿
For Hobbes, natural law is a kind of moral law. Doesmorality, according to Hobbes, require us to be the firstperformer in the state of nature? This is very important toHobbes' argument because people could not escape from thestate of nature unless some of them start keeping covenants.Hampton suggests that shortsightedness is very common inthe state of nature, so that lack of cooperation may be thedominant strategy. However, Warrender suggests thatHobbesian individuals are obligated to obey the laws ofnature since God's almighty power delivers it. IfWarrender's religious interpretation is correct, it presupposesthat people in the state of nature already believe in theexistence of God. In this respect, Warrender's Hobbes seemsto suggest that even less intellectual inhabitants couldunderstand the nature of God's punishment.
起訖頁 1-10
刊名 政治科學季評  
期數 200612 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-下一篇 從君王到人民:論馬基維利的另一種解讀




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