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Musa itinerans var. chiumei (Musaceae), A New Addition to the Taiwan Flora
Musa itinerans var. chiumei (Musaceae), A New Addition to the Taiwan Flora
作者 Hui-Lung Chiu (Hui-Lung Chiu)Chou-Tou Shii (Chou-Tou Shii)T.-Y. Aleck Yang (T.-Y. Aleck Yang)
Another new variety of Musa itinerans Cheesman in Taiwan is described. The morphological characteristics of the variety are otherwise similar to those of var. formosana (Warb. ex Schum.) Häkkinen & C.-L.Yeh. The principal distinction is based on the length and bending of inflorescence, and the compactness of fruit hands. The inflorescence rachis of the new variety is longer than the other two varieties, and first upwardly slanting, then curving downwards, finally pendent in the male flower regions. The fruit hands grow very compactly and apex of fruit remains distinguished floral relicts. These characteristics are stable at their habitat and Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) repository over study periods. This population is herein segregated as the new variety, M. itinerans var. chiumei H.-L. Chiu, C.-T. Shii & T.-Y.A. Yang. Photos for the varietal taxon as well as the key to all variation of Musa itinerans and Taiwanese wild bananas are provided
起訖頁 133-136
關鍵詞 IUCN Red ListMusa itinerans var. chiumeiNative bananaTaiwan
期數 201509 (60:3期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 A new variety of Markhamia stipulata (Bignoniaceae) from Southern Vietnam
該期刊-下一篇 A study on genus FissidensHedw. in Meghalaya (North-Eastern Hills),India




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