英文摘要 |
Embryology of Ipomaea macrantha R. & S., Ipomaea hederifolia L. and Ipomaea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet. has been investigated. Anther wall development is of the Dicotyledonous type and at maturity consists of the endothecium, 1-2 middle layers and a secretory tapetum. Tapetum is also formed from the connective. Microspore mother cells undergo simultaneous divisions and produce tetrahedral and decussate microspore tetrads. Pollen grains are spheroidal, echinate, polyporate and are mostly 2-celled at anthesis. Rarely 3-celled grains occur in I. macrantha. Ovary is superior, bicarpellary, syncarpous and bilocular with two anatropous, unitegmic and crassinucellate ovules in each locule on axile placentation. Archesporium is single celled. Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiotic division and produce a linear tetrad of megaspores of which the chalazal one develops into an 8-nucleate embryo sac of the Polygonum type. Antipodals are ephemeral. Fertilization is porogamous. Syngamy and triple fusion occurs almost simultaneously. Endosperm is nuclear. Embryo development is of the sherardia variation of the Solanad type. Suspensor is large and haustorial. |