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Corticolous Myxomycetes of Taiwan: On the Bark of Pinus Trees from Central and Northern Taiwan
作者 江友中 (Yu-Chung Chiang)劉錦惠 (Chin-Hui Liu)
以臺灣地區北、中部五個地區所生長的五種松屬植物為取樣對象,採取樹皮,進行潮濕培養,共取524份樣品,觀察期一至二個月,共收得黏菌標本237份,經鑑定,分屬於11屬26 種,其學名與樹種來源以表列出,其中七種為臺灣新記錄種,分別為Cribraria confusa Nann.-Brem., Licea capitata B. Ing. & McHuugh, Licea kleistobolus Martin, Physarum auriscalpium Cooke, Comatricha acanthodes Alexop., Comatricha lurida A. Lister, Macbrideola martinii (Alexop. & .Beneke.) Alexop.;二種為只有日本人有採集記錄,至此次調查再發現者,分別為Arcyria pomiformis (Leers) Rost., Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Per.;二種為未訂名種,分屬於Diderma和Macbrideola二屬;本文除詳述新記錄種形態特徵,並提供圖片以為參考。
A total of 524 bark samples were collected from five species of Pinus trees in the central and northern Taiwan. And 237 corticolous Myxomycetes were then obtained one to two monthes after the preparation of moist-chamber cultures of the bark samples. They distribute in eleven genera, i.e. Arcyria, Clastoderma, Comatricha, Cribraria, Diderma, Echinostelium, Enerthenema, Licea, Macbrideola, Physarum, and Trichia. The species of the Myxomycetes and their substrate living trees are shown in a table. Among the twenty four species identified seven are new to Taiwan and two are rediscovered for the first time since the publication of Nakazawa's list in 1929. The newly recorded species are Comatricha acanthodes Alexop., C. lurida A. Lister, Cribraria confusa Nann.-Brem., Licea capitata B. Ing and Mottugh, Licea kleistobolus Martin, Macbrideola martinii (Alexop. Beneke.) Alexop., and Physarum auriscalpium Cooke. The two rediscovered species are Arcyria pomiformis (Leers) Rost. and Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Per. A detailed descriptions and pictures of the above nine species are provided. Two specimens of the genera Diderma and Macbrideola manifesting unusual and unique features may upon further study warrent descriptions as new taxa.
起訖頁 248-264
期數 199109 (36:3期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 榕樹氣根之研究(1)根帽的構造
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣蘭嶼島上的草類誌(I)




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