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The Source of Moral Normativity and Motivation in Wang Yangming's Teaching of zhi liang-chi
作者 李瑞全
Through detailed analysis, this paper establishes that Wang Yangming's moral philosophy is an internalism. First, I explain why the major issue of the division of internalism and externalism is whether practical reason or liang-chi have the motivational force in moral action. Because Wang Yangming's philosophy is a “teaching of moral person” with a moral cultivation or kung-fu approach, I make a fairly detail analysis of his difficulties in practicing Zhu Xi‘s method of moral cultivation which takes the heart-mind (xin) and Reason (li) as two different ontological entities. With the help of Cheng Mingdao and Li Yanping's ideas of moral cultivation, Wang Yangming finally establishes his kung-fu approach with the heart-mind and Reason as one and that there is “no Reason outside the Heart-mind”, “nothing outside the heart-mind”. Wang Yangming developed the moral cultivation method of “knowing and practicing is one body”, “transcendental meditation” and finally the ultimate method of moral practice of “zhi liang-chi”. I show in details how Wang Yangming's method of “knowing and practicing is one body” and “zhi liang-chi” are both a kind of simple and pure moral internalism.
起訖頁 31-66
關鍵詞 理由論王陽明致良知教知行合一工夫進路internalismWang Yangmingzhi liang-chiknowing and practicing is one bodykung-fu approach(moral cultivation approach)
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202112 (38期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 無限心或絕對無?論認知事實本身的可能性
該期刊-下一篇 再論牟宗三儒門正宗的判教構想




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