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Cultural Transmission of Luantan Art in the Taokas Community: Memories of Artists and Events of Tang-SiāTroupe from Xingang, Miaoli
作者 邱婷
Artists performing Luantan, a traditional form of Taiwanese music and storytelling, often mention the Tang-siāTroupe. This name evokes memories among older generations of theater enthusiasts, who still recall the glory days of Luantan performances. However, extensive research on local historical records and operatic literature in Taiwan yield little information regarding the troupe, and various questions remain unanswered regarding who founded the troupe, when the troupe members began performing, and how they managed and cultivated new artists. While Taiwanese society continues to evolve over time, professional Luantan troupes have gradually become a forgotten history. Nevertheless, Yu-Chiao Pan (1936–) and Yu-Ying Liu (1936–2023), who were wellknown Luantan artists during the post-war period of Taiwan, share Taokas origins from Tang-siā, an indigenous community in Xingang, Miaoli, and both of them began their Luantan careers with the Tang-siāTroupe. Therefore, the troupe and its members played a crucial role in nurturing Luantan artists and made substantial contribution to the popularization of Luantan performances across Taiwan. This study explored memories associated with the members and events of the Tang-siāTroupe to outline the historical experiences of the Taokas people who dedicated themselves to promoting Luantan performances.
起訖頁 49-70
關鍵詞 東社班亂彈潘玉嬌劉玉鶯道卡斯Tang-siāTroupeLuantanYu-Chiao PanYu-Ying LiuTaokas
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202312 (66期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 裝飾性陶瓷文物缺損修護技法之探討:以大甲東窯《犀牛》陶器為例
該期刊-下一篇 綴地名.踅府城──小學堂活動




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