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Designing and Assessing Virtual Avatars for Spherical Video-Based Virtual Heritage Tours: Exploration of User Experience
作者 鄭衣娟鄭琨鴻陳怡廷
使用者在參與線上虛擬導覽過程中可能產生學習投入程度較低的情況,過去研究點出導入虛擬人物的設計或許能解決這樣的學習限制,因此在文化資產教育的脈絡下,本研究旨在探討全景古蹟虛擬導覽中虛擬化身的設計,我們運用VRoid Studio設計虛擬人物,同時結合SteamVR軟體及Meta Oculus 2硬體進行動作捕捉,並在Tracking World軟體中完成一連串的虛擬人物的導覽動作演示設計,最後提出虛擬人物的開發流程。為了檢視虛擬人物的設計,本研究邀請30位高等教育學生參與虛擬人物設計的使用者經驗評估,實驗研究結果發現,相較於真人影片導入古蹟虛擬導覽的設計,多數受測者認為融入虛擬化身的全景古蹟虛擬導覽形式能提供正向的實用體驗,包括具輔助性、簡單易用、使用效率高、以及一目瞭然的介面與操作設計,在享樂體驗方面,多數受測者亦表達虛擬化身讓人覺得該設計具有價值性、新穎性及有趣的感受,尤其對於虛擬化身的喜愛程度有特別明顯感受差異。另質性訪談結果亦點出虛擬化身設定(例如角色外觀或身分適配性)的潛在研究議題,可作為未來研究對於全景古蹟虛擬導覽之虛擬化身設計的延伸探討。
Participants attending online virtual tours may experience reduced levels of learning engagement. Previous studies have suggested integrating virtual characters into the tours to overcome such learning limitations. Therefore, in the context of cultural heritage education, this study explored the design of virtual avatars in spherical video-based virtual heritage tours. We used VRoid Studio to design virtual characters and integrated them with the SteamVR software and Meta Oculus 2 hardware for motion capture. The design of the virtual guide’s movements was completed in the Tracking World software. Accordingly, a development workflow for the virtual characters was proposed. To assess the design of these virtual characters, we invited 30 higher education students to participate in a user experience assessment. Our experiment results reveal that, compared with conventional human-guided video tours, most participants found the virtual avatar-integrated spherical video tours—characterized by supplementary features, ease of use, high efficiency, and a clear interface and operational design—to offer a positive practical experience. In terms of hedonic experience, most participants also expressed that the virtual avatars added value, novelty, and a fun element to the design; particularly, they showed significant differences in their preference for the virtual avatars. Additionally, qualitative interviews suggested potential research topics related to virtual avatar settings (e.g., character appearance or identity compatibility), which can be extended to future research on virtual avatar design in spherical video-based virtual heritage tours.
起訖頁 7-26
關鍵詞 虛擬實境文化資產使用者經驗虛擬化身Virtual realityCultural heritageUser experienceVirtual avatar
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202312 (66期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 裝飾性陶瓷文物缺損修護技法之探討:以大甲東窯《犀牛》陶器為例




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