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Craftsmanship Underlying Making of Rice Turtles in Penghu’s Qi Gui Culture During the Lantern Festival
作者 莊凱証
The rice-bag stacking technique has become a key cultural element of the Lantern Festival in Penghu, demonstrating the potential to preserve local cultural heritage and integrate local culture and tourism. This study conducted field surveys to investigate the craftsmanship underlying the making of rice turtles during the Lantern Festival in Penghu. The procedure, techniques, and materials involved in stacking rice bags to create shapes of turtles were examined to provide insights for facilitating future discussions regarding the value of local folklore. The physical memories of craftspeople who make rice turtles were also discussed to explore the historical significance of the“Qi Gui”(literally“begging the turtles”in Chinese) culture. A preliminary investigation revealed that the Qi Gui tradition in local temples spurred the cultivation of craftsmanship and expertise related to making rice turtles. Rice-bag stacking requires experience, teamwork, and the effective use of materials and tools. Small rice turtles were made as educational demonstrations to introduce the public to the Qi Gui culture, whereas large rice turtles were made to highlight efforts to preserve local craftsmanship. The everyday aesthetics, background, and memories of each craftsman contribute to their distinct and diverse rice-turtle works.
起訖頁 42-59
關鍵詞 乞龜上元節米龜生活美感Qi GuiLantern FestivalRice turtleEveryday aesthetics
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202309 (65期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
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