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Glottal Stop Alternations in Plngawan Atayal
作者 郭育賢
There are two types of phonological alternations involving glottal stops in Plngawan Atayal. Roots with final glottal stops may either retain the glottal stops after suffixation, or else alternate them with zero, and undergo additional vowel coalescence with the suffix. Historically, this alternation comes from roots with Proto-Atayal *q vs *ʔ. In synchronic phonology, these verbs can be treated as having an underlying glottal stop, or being underlyingly vowel-final and receiving an epenthetic glottal stop in unsuffixed forms. A separate process of root-medial glottal stop alternations does not share the same origins, and may happen even in roots with historical *q. Instead, root-medial alternations depend on the phonological structure of the stem. Two types of stems will undergo glottal stop deletion in suffixed forms: (1) stems with an alternating vowel preceding the glottal stop, and (2) trisyllabic stems (including stems with derivational affixes). Unlike root-final glottal stop alternations, which involve a single segment, in root-medial alternations the glottal stop is deleted together with an adjacent vowel.
起訖頁 103-131
關鍵詞 台灣南島語泰雅語音韻學歷史語言學FormosanAtayalphonologyhistorical linguistics
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202404 (19:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣南島語的語態系統在型態學上的地位:論受事焦點句構的多重功能




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