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Rethinking the Dialectical Framework of Postcolonial Kaohsiung Archipelagos: Fragmented Governance or Interspacing Autonomy?
作者 洪于翔
This study proposed a dialectical framework to revisit the colonial downtown planning and rethink the framework as a counterproposal for the city transformation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The planning triggered the postcolonial pale urbanisation‘sea’due to the fragmented governance conditions during and after the Japanese colonisation. In particular, this resulted from the shi-jie (market street) neighbourhood unit, which frames neighbourhoods as cells around primary schools adjacent to sanitation infrastructures for urban regularisation and spatial governance. However, this model was easily manipulated by the colonisers, resulting in fragmented governance with these dispersed‘archipelagos’dotted throughout the city centre. Nevertheless, the dispersed archipelagos were then transformed by a series of citizen actions into common spaces around the primary school within its internal block. These actions involve adding-up roof covers and trolley occupations piece-by-piece along the shi-jie in an interspaced way, sprawling to the next autonomously. Transforming the governmental archipelagos indicate a nurturing framework of day-to-day life and define a sense of educational district for assembling the neighbourhoods’territory at large.
The dialectical framework is derived from the shi-jie neighbourhood unit, perceived as the city’s archipelagos, formed by the fragmented governance and interspacing autonomy. This framework not only challenges the traditional idea of‘A’city centre but also reverses the situation of spatial governance from the colonisers. Thus, it informs that the as-found framework is already blended into the existing urban spatial structure as part of daily education and nurturing, worthy of and awaiting new interpretations, revisiting, and rethinking. With the post-COVID-19 pandemic urban challenge of fragmentation, this study scrutinises a counterproposal (on the sunken railway line area) with the dialectical question: do we still need a compact city? Furthermore, while facing Kaohsiung’s transformation, how can these archipelagos with educational components be re-conceptualised as a new nodal model and education-infrastructure node to nurture the city piece-by-piece?
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 教育基礎設施節點市街鄰里單元群島碎片治理自主空距Education–Infrastructure NodesShi-Jie neighbourhood UnitArchipelagoFragmented GovernanceInterspacing Autonomy
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 202306 (27期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 建築薄層型綠屋頂水資源供需平衡評估模式之研究




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